1986 Asplundh Whisper Chipper with Ford 351w V8 Radiator for Sale

Parts for the Asplundh Whisper Chipper mostly discontinued from the manufacturer including the radiator.

Below are some pictures of the original chipper radiator and our radiator replacements. 

Old Whisper Chipper Radiator

The radiator replacement below is the most closest to stock replacement. It has the correct core dimension, bracketing and hose placement. It is also the most expensive unit.

SKU: 222134

Radiator Replacements below we have for this Asplundh unit are available in both copper brass and all aluminum.  The top hose is around 4 inches off set farther to the right than the original.  A new hose will need to be purchased and cut for use.  The shroud mounts will also need to be re-drilled so that you can attach the factory shroud to the interior channel.  

All Aluminum Radiator.   SKU: 229918

Copper Brass Radiator SKU: 222657


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